Friday, May 4, 2012


TGIFF - Last Friday before I'm done as an undergraduate! (Next week's Friday is during finals week, and I'll be done with finals on Wednesday, so it doesn't count.)

Will I have a job offer before I hit "publish?" Later edit: YES.

Watched Emily golf all weekend. Got soaked, pelted with hail, destroyed by monsoon-like winds, and froze my butt off the first day, got some pretty nice sunburn the second day. Love that Ohio weather.... Happy for her to finish 1st team OAC! Golf is really boring - I definitely couldn't tolerate watching it if it was somebody I didn't really care about!

Monday: "Officially" finished capstone. Our final presentation was then, which was a boatload of fun [/sarcasm]. Our project worked enough to consider it to be "working," but that's a very, very loose term. The presentation was really rough because we never seem to escape without getting all of the hard, pointed questions. The freakin mechanical engineers basically build a shelf to put on a robot (but it has see-thru poly-whatever plastic AND and adjustable shelf) for their part of their project, but we get mauled on every little detail on ours? Not cool. Doesn't help that we have deadweight for a partner, either. Now that that whining's over, SENIOR DESIGN IS DONE! :D We just have to throw together a website (thanks again, Emily. I don't want to dig up some old html templates and make a 2003-looking website by myself thank you very much) and do whatever random edits to our final paper that the professors see fit.

Tuesday: Finishing up school, not much happening today...Post-capstone group therapy session, work, bar with friends, sleep. Things still haven't hit me yet at this point. Wondering what I will feel when they do.

Here's a video our department had parodying our professors that was presented today. Epic rap battle!

Wednesday: I can't tell if this week is going really fast or really slow. The anticipation is killing me. We got our oral presentation feedback back. We apparently really really suck. One faculty comment insinuated that one group member did all of the work, which really upset me. I could laugh off all of the other comments. Not that one.

Thursday: GOT JOB OFFER! Well, got notification that I'd be getting the job offer next week. It's for the consulting firm in Uniontown (which is like 8 miles from where I lived until we moved to Columbus). Went to Bdubs with friends and rounded out the awesome day with the midnight showing of The Avengers!

Friday: Last day of undergrad classes! Two classes and an hour of work. Then the weekend! Three finals between me and my diploma now. :D

Lets get these finals done and graduate! TGIFF!

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