Friday, June 8, 2012



I haven't wrote in awhile, the three weeks have been VERY busy!

  • I graduated May 13th! FINALLY DONE! :D
  • I left for Europe with my family on May 15th, got to go to Amsterdam, London, Paris, and Brussels!
  • Got back from Europe late May 30th, moved in to my new place June 1st.
  • Started my new job June 4th.

So happy to be done with school. I'm not going to lie, it was a huge struggle. Completely life-changing experience in so many ways. Somehow I managed to make it to the end! Big thanks to the friends still with me, and to those I left behind. Thank you :) Such a great feeling.

Europe was awesome! Something that I always wanted to do, just to see the sights and say "I've been there!" So lucky in my young life to have been able to travel so much, thanks to my awesome parents who work so hard for us (and get to keep 100% of the frequent flyer miles/hotel points they earn through business travel). It was a really nice way to close the chapter of my life that I spent with my immediate family, and to open a new one for myself.

Now I sit here, and I don't know what to think. I'm obviously both nervous and excited about my new job. It started off slow and boring (expected), but now it's starting to get better. I'm an Electrical Engineer for an architectural consulting firm (non-residential stuff), so just imagine everything that involves any sort of electricity in a building, and I'll be working on it. I'm a quick learner; I pick up patterns and methodologies really quickly and efficiently. My boss is really nice, giving me new tasks that are slowly introducing me to everything. I get enough wiggle room to do my own thing at my own pace, and occasionally impress him with what I manage to get done with (now) only a week on the job so far. Like my boss said, he's confident in the education we all get, but getting used to the industry, and how everything is done, is the real hurdle. That helps out a lot, since pretty much 97% of what I do we covered in one week in one class! Work isn't stressful yet, though I don't have really any responsibility at this point. I get to sit in my nice corner cubicle (with a window!) and do my own thing, pretty isolated from the rest of the Electricals (too many interns and new people, so I get put back in the part of the building with all of the Mechanicals drafting for now) unless I have questions.

Past my job, I'm more nervous than I'll ever let on in person. Where am I going in life? Some friends are still in school, and have time to figure things out. Other friends already have made plans for their futures. Me? I dunno... I have a job. I live pretty close to a few good friends. What about my future, though? Who will it be with? When will I find out who it is? Where will I go? What will we be doing? Not fun to constantly think about.

The one thing that brings me back down to reality is a quote I've got in my little notebook:

I probably got that quote from some TV show or movie somewhere and decided to write it down. I really don't remember when or from what I got it from. I already am a very present-focused person (very very too much present-focused for sure), so when I do think about the future, it really freaks me out. I tend to try to shut it out most of the time, which really isn't a good thing... Anyway,

I carry this little orange notebook in my back pocket with me pretty much all the time. I'm very forgetful, so it helps to have a place to put stuff like "Look for new Dr.'s office" and "buy tissues for office." It's also a good thing for when I have those random thoughts or cool ideas, you know, the ones where you're like "dang it, I was thinking of something really neat 10 minutes ago, but now I can't remember what!" Well, I have a TON of those moments. Writing them all down really helps me stay on track. I really wish I wasn't so forgetful, but it's a quirk we've got to put up with.... Now, I must say, writing everything down is one thing, but actually getting everything done is another ! :P (I can check off one thing in the notebook now that I've actually written a new post that wasn't 90% pictures haha!)

All things being said, my best days are definitely ahead of me. I just need to remember to let things work, instead of trying to force them to work. I've managed to come so far, and I can't wait to see what's around the corner!


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