Monday, March 26, 2012

Tag, I'm it!

Emily has found it fit to tag me, so I'm it. Cut and paste, cut and paste, oh boy what is going on?

Here’s the idea:
The first rule is to post these rules. Check!
Post a photo of yourself then write 11 things about you/your life.
Answer the questions for you set in the original post.
Create 11 new questions and tag people to answer them.
Go to their blog/twitter to tell them you have tagged them. 

Here's me. I don't have a lot of pictures of just me.

  1. Look at that awesome picture of me up there! I'm a huge hockey fan. Love the Pittsburgh Penguins. Shoot, I just looked up the questions I was asked. Oh well, I guess I'll double it up.
  2. I'm a soon-to-be graduated Electrical Engineer. I hate math.
  3. I am a technological pack-rat. I have, counting in my bedroom right now, 5 working desktop computers, parts and pieces that I could cobble together for 2 more computers, a laptop, a tablet, and 3 really old Atari computers.
  4. I have a feisty little cat, Akali. She looks a lot like this cat, pretty much does the same stuff, too. 
  5. I like kids. Not a trait many consider to be on the manly side of the trait spectrum, but I don't care. I'm not uncomfortable around them like a lot of guys, and I don't know who thinks who is more awesome, me, or that little kid staring at me and smiling at me. :)
  6. I'm still freaking out about finding a job. 
  7. I tend to be a very present-oriented person, but I catch myself being a dreamer a lot.
  8. I love the outdoors. I'm an Eagle Scout, and through that career I've been tons of places (Philmont Scout Ranch, NM; Appalachian Trail in TN/NC, canoeing in Canada are the big ones). It's weird coming from someone who is such a techie, but I love hiking, backpacking, and camping.
  9. I'm the oldest (23, 19, 15) and shortest of my brothers. I like being 5'10'' and 140 lbs. I know I draw the ire of more than a handful of friends when I complain that it's hard to find clothes that fit, but it is! Most clothing is made for people as tall as me but heavier (waist/butt too big, right length) or super skinny emo punk rocker jeans (the waist and butt fits, but the legs are like wearing leggings!).
  10. I'm the calmest, most docile person I know. I try to be nice to everyone so hard (a lot of people don't seem to like this). It's really hard to make me upset.
  11. I have a handful of close friends, and a decent amount of acquaintances, but I wouldn't really say I have a lot of friends. I like it that way, though.  

  1. What is the quote you live by and why? "Failure is not an option." - Gene Kranz, NASA Flight Director, Apollo 13. Read his book about the whole ordeal, loved the movie. No matter how many times I fall down, no matter how many times I lose, no matter how much I screw up, I just don't know how to do anything else other than to keep going and never quit. 
  2. What is the song that describes your life? I wanted to pick something not very mainstream or, I dunno, "cliche." Jumping the Gun. Listen to it, pretty self-explanatory. 
  3. What are you most looking forward to in your future? Looking to snag a job near friends and family, and looking to start a family of my own.
  4. What is your biggest wish right now? That I had a job lined up, a girlfriend, and had finished school already. The big three.
  5. What TV show are you constantly keeping up with? Now that South Park is back, that. I also enjoy Archer. I kinda keep up with other random shows like Law and Order: SVU and Big Bang Theory, but I don't really watch TV (outside of sports) unless it's with friends.
  6. If you could do anything in the world (despite the cost) what would you do? Go to space.   To see the whole world from above, humanity as a whole, without political borders, would be amazing. Also, it would be pretty sweet to float around and do cool science stuff.
  7. What is your favorite sports team? PITTSBURGH PENGUINS. That is all. They are top by far; OSU Football and the Steelers alternate, but they're pretty much #2a and #2b in reality. 
  8. Tell me about your best friend(s). Emily, my best friend, tagged me for this post. I can talk to her about anything I want, and she'll always listen and be there for me; this goes both ways. We're really a lot alike in many ways, personality, likes and dislikes, etc., but we're different enough that things are always fun and interesting :) We can make each other laugh, but we can be serious, too. Emily's the first person in awhile that I feel I could really talk to about anything and everything, something I don't really like doing (scratch that, hate doing). She's the best kind of friend I could ask for.
  9. What would your ideal job be? My ideal job would be something technical that I could enjoy doing, while being able to improve the quality of life for people. I really admire my parents who are both able to do this (Mom is an RN, dad works in engineering medical devices).
  10. Ketchup or mustard? Going to have to go with ketchup. I like both, but I only put a little bit of mustard on things.
  11. One word to describe yourself Compassionate

Uh, the two people that I know that have blogs have already been tagged, so yeah. If people come forward, I'll make up some questions I guess. 

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