Friday, March 30, 2012



I finally got my rejection notice from Diebold. I enjoyed the automated response: "We have completed a thorough review of your background and qualifications. Though well impressed with your experience, we have decided that your background is not an exact match for our particular needs." Yeah, why even bother writing that? Still throwing out resumes and job applications every day, still freaking out about finding a job. Every week more and more people are getting offers, which is really grinding my spirits down. I don't want to graduate alone and jobless; I'm starting to feel lost. I would be a liar if I said I wasn't jealous...

I can't believe that this Sunday is Palm Sunday already! Easter in just a week and a few days, and then graduation in roughly a month after that. Holy cow, this year has gone by so fast! It seems like it wasn't that long ago that a lot of friends graduated, I moved in to my off-campus residence, started a new school year, and made new friends. Fast forward a little bit, senior design feels like we're on the edge of victory, but my stress levels about it have never been higher. Senior year is almost over. I don't know where I'm going. I don't know who will be with me.

I ran across this quote the other day: "Maybe the best thing to do is stop trying to figure out where you’re going, and just enjoy where you’re at."  I can't fathom what's going to happen in the next couple of months. All I know is that I'm giving it my all right now, and that I don't want to settle for second place anymore.


1 comment:

  1. Hey keep your head up. You'll find a great job, and even if it doesn't happen right now, there's still time. This sounds lame but I've been praying for you to find one, and I know it'll happen.
