Friday, April 27, 2012



Monday: Got a "talk with us" from Timken call. Phone interview with HR on Wednesday. Senior design, although pretty much complete, decided to blow up on us. That was awesome. Paper due Wednesday, final presentation is next Monday. Then I'll really be done! :D

Tuesday: Two interview Tuesday! Woke up at 6 AM to go off to Cleveland for the day for two interviews. First was at Automation Services & Controls in Chagrin Falls. Nice little company, interesting work, certainly wouldn't mind working there. They work on designing and maintaining control systems (PLCs, motors, etc) for different local compainies. Not exactly glamorous or exciting, but not a bad place to be. Interview went pretty well, but I shouldn't expect to hear from them for another 2-3 weeks. Yuck. Second interview was at SBM Consulting in Uniontown. They pretty much do the design layout and planning of all of the electrical stuff in buildings (electrical outlets, lighting, fire alarms, etc...). They told me to "think about it and get back with them," and that they'd have a "powwow" after I got back with them to see what would happen. So...I guess I took that as a positive? Either way, both of these interviews went well, and I'm finally feeling up again about my prospects!

Wednesday: Phone interview with Timken HR went well. My resume/info is getting passed on to whatever hiring managers they have who are looking for new employees. I'll be seeing soon if they want to bring me in for an interview.

Thursday: Last day of undergrad labs. EVER! :D

Friday: Packing up the car with as much stuff as I can, heading home to get some stuff moved out before I get really busy. Going to see best friend Emily in her last ever golf tournament in Columbus (how convenient :P ) So excited to see her play. Golf, I know, right? Shows how much I value her as a friend haha!


Thursday, April 26, 2012

ADD and me, part 3

Watch these

It's not just a disorder that makes one have a shorter attention span than other people, or one that makes people lazy. Saying "I'm so ADD" is insulting, because you have no idea how deep it really goes.

Friday, April 20, 2012



I technically was asked last week, but since I just edited it in, I figured I'd mention it here again at the top. I was asked to be a groomsman in my very best friends' wedding.  So excited to be part of this wonderful ceremony, and really happy for Emily and Jim!

I got bored of/am too lazy to try to remember what happened on what day, being so busy at the end of the school year (I'm also typing this on a tablet in bed before I go to sleep), so I'll just go with a flowing style right now.

Got two job interviews! Both were set up on Thursday (imagine how exciting it was to get two in the same day when I've been ssrved for opportunities)  are scheduled for next Tuesday. So ready to go out there and take them by the horns! I'm super motivated to try and get one of these jos since they're pretty darn close to my best friends and some of my extended family.

Senior design is finally in its twilight! We got all of the circuiry done, combined, soldered together, and tested. All that's left is getting the ADC sampling done right (our computer engineering partner's area) and some calibration onnour end to get the proper readings. Complicated story made short, were 97% done with everything but the final paper and presenation. We had our poster presentation Wednesday; it's pretty much a nice dinner and a big-boy science fair. The presentation part went a lot better (easier) than I thought it was going to go.

In other life news, Im happy to really kniw who my good friends are. I'very been pretty bummed that I haven't been doing much with a lot of my newer friends lately - I know we'very all been busy, but I never have even been getting the chance to decline an invite to do anything, I just never get asked :( I guess I'll be gone in a little over three weeks, and out of their lives? I dunno, I try to keep in touch, but it's 99% of the time me checking in, and almost never the other way around. Juat had to vent thar one last time...

My Pittsburgh Penguins managed to stave off elimination from the playoffs! They've been really underperforming, but finaly woke up and acheived a 10-3 onWednesday, which is always good for the hockey soul!

Two interviews, senior design is practically over, and graduation is three weeks away! TGIFF!

Friday, April 13, 2012




Monday: Easter break still, kinda. Came back to school early to get things in order and do a little homework (nope, nope). Always helps to sleep here for a night and not have to wake up for classes the next day. Oh yeah, will be scheduling an interview next Monday! Yessssssss! Not to get my hopes up too much, but this one's in Akron, which would be awesome.

Tuesday: Armageddon week. Final push for our senior design project. So close to being done, all the pieces are falling into place! Also, helping Emily with her capstone robot. Working on two senior design projects is exhausting, but that's what good friends are for! I actually ended up liking her project more than ours, anyway :P

Wednesday: More capstone work all day. I'm getting about 4 hours of sleep a night, blaming staying up late working, allergies, stress, and insomnia. Wake up, class, capstone, eat, capstone, sleep. Nothing else.

Thursday: Same as the days before...wake up, class, capstone, eat, capstone, sleep. Robot's competition is Friday, so we're in the final push for that. Our capstone's poster presentation is next Wednesday, so we pretty much have to be done by the end of the weekend.

Friday: Much needed break. Watching playoff hockey, maybe seeing other friends? Waking up and not having to rush off somewhere to do something immediately was nice....also getting more than 4 hours of sleep was awesome!

Nothing but class and capstone all week. Literally nothing else. Too little sleep. Just hard work with my best friends. Graduation is exactly one month away. All worth it in the end. TGIFF!

EDIT: I feel bad for omitting this, ugh this past week has been a blur. I have the great honor of being a groomsman in Emily and Jim's wedding. Got asked this week, so I needed to fit it into this post. So excited to be a part of my very best friends' wedding! :)

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Arcade coming together

With a lot of help from dad today, I've finally gotten to the point where this thing is really looking like an arcade cabinet! Getting the TV mounted was a huge pain in the butt, but that was the last remaining "hard" task. Everything else I have planned requires more thinking and wiring, rather than hacksawing and brute force.

Saturday, April 7, 2012



Learning of classmates getting job offers from places that said they would talk to me which turn around and ignore all forms of attempted communication from me really rubbed me the wrong way this week. Seriously, don't talk with me at a career fair for 20-30 minutes, show interest, take my resume, and tell me you're going to call in a week, and then ignore me when I check in two, three, four, five weeks later. At least tell me no, stop asking, we hate you, something. Then you give a classmate (who has a better GPA) an offer. That makes me feel so good about myself!

I've been so stressed with school, senior design, and finding a job. In fact, so stressed/exhausted that I showed up an hour early to work...I was really confused for a bit. I guess I'll have a little extra in this next paycheck :P
Been helping Emily with her capstone project; I like burying my problems by helping others with theirs. Jim and myself like her project more than ours anyway, so we like helping out.

One of those go to sleep at 1:00 AM and wake up at 6:00 AM days... Control Systems test. Don't think it went too bad, but something always seems to throw me off, so I'll see how that goes. Jaclyn's birthday! Fun times with friends, finally...a lot of work coming after the much needed break.

Easter break! Tons of work on my arcade project.

More Easter break!

So I guess nothing much has changed:

  • I'm still looking for a job.
  • School sucks; want to graduate already
  • Even though I like to live in the present, not knowing a general direction for my future is freaking me out
At least it's Friday...


A few more arcade pics

24-inc CRT TV I'm using for the screen

Pulling the tube out for measuring and mounting 

Painting pretty much finished now 

Will be putting white molding on the front edges. Looking to be really sharp! 

Friday, April 6, 2012

More Arcade Pictures

Completely gutted the black "Defender" cabinet, cleaned, sanded, and repainted it. Lookin good!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Arcade Pictures

More pics of the arcade machines now that I'm home for the Easter break:

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Win Wednesday!

I'm a very positive person on the outside, but if you read everything I write, you'd probably think I'm a very negative person on the outside. In reality, I just never like to show it, so I whine about it when I write. Because of this, I try to find something happy and exciting on Wednesdays now!

So, something I've been wanting to do for awhile is to make my own arcade machine. Got some old arcade machines in an auction, and they're at home waiting for me! More pics from home here:

They look like they made the trip from Indianapolis to Columbus just fine. I'll be taking tons of pictures when I'm working on them, so there'll be plenty to follow!

What I plan on doing:

  • Sanding down one of these cabinets to repaint it (don't know what color yet)
  • Getting the old screen to work, or replacing it with an old TV screen
  • Adding new lights/general fixing up stuff to be more exciting
  • Replacing the old joysticks (and maybe buttons) with new ones
  • Wiring this all up together
  • Dropping an old computer of mine in to run MAME
I get to tinker around with this over Easter break, which I'm pretty excited about, but it definitely will be a summer project.